Supplier Responsibility


Emtech is a subsidiary of Lufuma B2B Services Ltd: (“Emtech”) & Orgnl as a product name.


Emtech hold themselves to high standards. Our Responsibility Standards for Suppliers reflect our internal values and the expectations of external, such as customers, regulators, investors and the public. We find business relationships are more productive and effective when they are built on trust, mutual respect and common values; we seek relationships with suppliers who share our vision. 

The assessment is based on the  Supplier Social Responsibility Code of Conduct, covering labour, health and safety, environment, business ethics, management system and other aspects. For issues found during onsite audit, we guide suppliers to identify the root causes and take corrective and preventive measures.

Note: As articulated in the Standards, in addition to compliance with applicable laws and regulations, we expect our suppliers to comply with the chart of Human rights on Human Trafficking Policy, child labour and others matters that could be again as it is defined by the UN chart. Given our efforts in these areas, we fully support the Consumer Goods: every worker should have freedom of movement; no worker should pay for a job; and no worker should be indebted or coerced to work.

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